Dysport® Can Help You Look Younger without Surgery
If you are interested in reducing signs of aging, Dr. Peter Schwartz might recommend Dysport® at his Woodbury, NY, practice. A prescription medicine, Dysport® is injected into muscles of adult patients under 65 years of age. The purpose of the Dysport® injection is for the temporary improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines). Frown lines and wrinkles appear as a result of muscular over use due to repeated facial expressions. Dysport® can reduce the frown lines that form between the eyebrows. Once Dr. Schwartz administers Dysport®, the medicine inhibits these muscles from tightening for a period of time of up to 4 months. To find out how you can attain a younger-looking appearance with Dysport®, please contact us today.
Dr. Schwartz would like to remind you that wrinkles and frown lines are not specifically age related. Younger adults can also benefit from the use of Dysport® to reduce frown lines that form as a result of frowning or squinting over time.
As the muscles located above and between the eyebrows contract and get tighter, wrinkles can appear. By using Dysport®, the nerve signal that causes facial muscles to contract is blocked. The Dysport® procedure results in a reduction in the appearance of
wrinkles due to a reduction of muscle activity in the treated area.
Attractive woman with face in hand.Dysport® is a purified formula. Dysport® is most effective in the delivery of temporary improvements in moderate to severe frown lines. The repeat use of Dysport® has been known to yield similar results as the first treatment.
People who use Dysport® can smile normally and feel free to express themselves without having to worry about other parts of the face being affected. Dysport® only affects the facial muscles that have been treated. Untreated facial muscles continue to behave normally and facial expressions remain natural.
Dysport® features little to no downtime after injection. We proudly use Dysport® in our Woodbury, Long Island Cosmetic Plastic Surgery facility and Dysport® is currently used for aesthetic purposes in 36 countries around the world including the United States.
It is important to speak with Dr. Schwartz about any precautions you should take before or after your treatment. If you have any problems after Dysport® treatment, it is important to notify your physician immediately.
For important safety information regarding Dysport®, visit http://www.dysport.com. If you would like to meet with Dr. Schwartz to discuss Dysport®, or any other cosmetic procedure, please contact us to schedule an appointment.
Injectable Fillers
Laser Skin Rejuvenation and Resurfacing
Juvederm Injectable Gel
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Dr. Peter L. Schwartz specializes in the following cosmetic plastic surgery procedures:
Cosmetic Procedures: SKIN
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures: FACE
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures: BREAST
Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures: BODY
Dr. Schwartz will take ample time to discuss your candidacy for blepharoplasty, or any other facial plastic surgery, and answer the questions you may have. To learn more, contact us today.
Contact Info.
Phone: (516) 496-7757
- pschwartzmd@yahoo.com