Cool Lipo Treatment
Cool Lipo Treatment
New Technology for an Old Age Problem As we grow older our skin begins to show signs of the sun, lifestyle and aging. The face and neck are exposed to the sun more than any other part of the body; therefore they both tend to age more quickly. As these aging effects begin to appear we look for topical formulas and non-invasive treatments to help reduce future aging plus improve current appearance. Many prefer not to undergo extensive surgical face and neck lifts due to expense and risk. Additionally, these procedures require a lengthy time for the face and neck to heal, not always an option for people with limited recovery time.CoolLipo TM (laser- assisted lipolysis) is a new, minimally invasive technology that liquefies fat for easy removal. It is a laser – based procedure that breaks up and removes fat cells in areas such as under the chin, neck and jowls or areas with loose skin such as the arms. In addition, the unique wavelength of the CoolLipo laser system directly contracts collagen and tightens the skin from the inside out, an effect not seen with standard liposuction. CoolLipo benefits include:
- Gentle fat disruption and removal technique for small areas
- Treats areas that are difficult for conventional liposuction
- Less invasive than a neck or face lift
- May be performed under local anesthesia only
- Short procedure in your physician’s office
- Safe with minimal bruising and side effects
- Minimal downtime post-procedure
Contact Info.
Phone: (516) 496-7757
- pschwartzmd@yahoo.com